Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Natural Home Remedies for Weight Loss

Are you tired of putting your faith in the latest weight loss pill? Are you tired of starving yourself by trying the newest diet? For centuries, people have lost weight using home remedies. Home remedies are natural aids to weight loss. To start a home remedy weight loss campaign, you just have to eat particular foods that act as natural weight loss aids. If you add these foods to a well-balanced diet, you will have a smaller waistline in no time. Here are the top home remedies for weight loss.

Apple Cider Vinegar:

Apple cider vinegar has been a known weight loss agent for years. If you combine apple cider vinegar with water, you can rid your body of unwanted fats. It is best to drink this in the morning.

Honey and Lemon:

Is your weight getting out of control? Honey and lemon can help you ring it in. The combination works to control your weight by working as a natural weight loss drink. In the morning, take a glass of lukewarm water and add a teaspoon of honey and three tablespoons of lemon juice into it. Mix and drink on an empty stomach.


This leafy vegetable prevents your body from turning sugar and carbohydrates into fats. Also, cabbage is helpful at reducing fat in your belly and thighs.


Add vitamin C to your diet with cranberries. Cranberries are antioxidant that helps your body stop the formation of free radicals. It also helps you keep a check on your weight. That means you do not gain weight as you try to lose it. You can add cranberries to your diet by drinking cranberry juice or by eating a bowl of cranberries for one of your daily snacks.


Water is a big part of losing weight. Water makes up 90% of cucumbers. When you eat a cucumber, your fat cells breakdown. So never eat a salad without a cucumber. Also find other ways to include a cucumber in your diet. You can never eat to many cucumbers. They are a natural weight loss remedy.


Carrots help reduce extra fat. You can eat carrots cooked or raw. Carrot juice is also beneficial in adding carrots to your diet.


It is time to increase your intake of peppers, because capsaicin, an ingredient in peppers, can speed up your metabolism and reduce your fat tissues. It also helps you lose weight by regulating your appetite.

Green Tea:

Green Tea works by burning stubborn and rigid fats. It only works if you consume it on a regular basis without combining it with sugar.

Bottle Gourd

Bottle gourd is a great source of fiber, and it contains zero fat. It helps keep you stomach full. As a result, you do not overeat. It works best in liquid form. You can drink it as a juice or cook it in vegetables.


Every diet needs fruit. Peaches contain 68 calories and no fat. Eating a large peach daily can help you lose weight.

Jujube Leaves (Indian Plum):

You can reduce fat by drinking jujube leaves soaked in water on an empty stomach. Overnight you should let the leaves soak. In the morning, drink the concoction for a month to lose weight.

Fennel Seeds:

Fennel seeds works as an appetite suppressant. 15 minutes before you eat a heavy meal, sip a cup of fennel seed tea. This will help you to not overeat.

Finger Millets (Ragi):

Ragi is rich in vitamin B1, B2, calcium, iron and phosphorous. It works to curb your appetite. You can add ragi to your diet by eating chapattis.


If you want to maintain your weight, tomatoes are a great way to do it. This home remedy includes eating one or two tomatoes for breakfast.


Parsley works as a home remedy because it keeps your kidneys healthy. It also helps fool your stomach like it is full. Parsley also assists with burning fat from your body.


A quick weight loss remedy is to eat papaya in the morning on an empty stomach. It keeps your weight in check and help to decrease gastric problems.


Eight glasses of water a day is the way to go. The electrolyte in water helps reduce weight.

These are just a few home remedies for weight loss. You can use these in combinations or one at a time. The results will be worth it.

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